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Frequently Asked Questions

As painters, we are always asked about some similar questions regarding our job, quotations, brand of paint used, etc. Please check to observe if any of these questions asked by previous costumers, answers yours!

Frequently Asked Questions <p>As painters, we are always asked about some similar&nbsp;questions regarding our job, quotations, brand of paint used, etc. Please check&nbsp;to observe if any of these questions asked by previous costumers, answers yours!</p>

Preparation is the key to any painting job, It simply doesn't matter how good the final coats are if the preparation is done poorly. We pride ourselves on using the correct preparation method for each job resulting in a premium finish that will stand the test of time. This is what differentiates us from the rest. We are so sure of the quality of our job that we give our costumers a 5-years guarantee. 

Upon our visitation, we will take notes or take photos of areas to be painted. Then, our team will write up a fully detailed quotation specifying where exactly will be painted, plus all other appropriate informations. This usually takes less than 24 hours, however, sometimes due to high demand, this may take up to 24-48 hours. 

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